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最近,我们收到了许多有关如何成立企业以及如何管理小型企业的咨询。作为CPA注册会计师,我们的建议是您应该了解自己的纳税义务,其中非常重要的一项是商品及服务税( “GST” )。大多数企业主都知道商业活动报表( “BAS” ),该报表与GST,PAYG预扣和PAYG分期付款有关。我们将在本文中重点讨论GST来加深企业家对BAS的了解和要求,以便阁下在日常业务运营期间准备好相关的信息。 《建立中小型企业的常用知识 -BAS 注册和申报》全文链接
Recently we have received a lot of inquiries regarding to how to set up a business and how to manage business records to meet tax, superannuation and employer obligations. As a registered CPA public practice, our advice is that you should understand your record-keeping obligation and have a clear idea of what is involved.How To Set Up Small Business - Record-keeping Obligation link
最近,我们收到了许多有关如何成立公司以及如何管理业务记录的咨询。为统一回答大家的问题,我们将在我们的专栏以连载的方式刊登几周相关内容。其中将涉及到的内容有,雇主的业务记录义务,ATO对企业应纳税的要求,怎样为员工注册养老保险金,什么是雇主义务以及其他。建立中小型企业的常用知识 -BAS 注册和申报链接
The Victorian Government has announced several programs to support hospitality industry, we have many clients in the industry inquired for such information. To help you to have a better understanding of the program, we did a thorough analysis and summarized as below. Hope it can give you some insight after finishing reading this article. The analysis is related to “CBD Small Hospitality Grant Stream” published on ATO website previously.CBD Small Hospitality Grant Stream Link
维多利亚州政府宣布了一些支持酒店业的政府支持计划,我们最近常收到客户对于此相关事宜的电话咨询,其中大多数都是在此行业中的客户。因此我们精心准备了对整个行业的分析报告,以帮助客户及时获得政府的支持,获得额外的现金流。本文与“ CBD小型酒店业支持基金”相关。CBD小型酒店业支持基金链接